Thanks for library! I hope it will save me of superfluous efforts, but there were some questions: the data format is not too clear, since parametre NVars is not used at neural network creation, and are used NIn, NOut and NPoints (alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreate1(nIn, nHid, nOut, network)). Whether correctly I have understood, what parametre NPoints corresponds to quantity of input vectors? For example, if I use the following data set: double [] inputs = {{0.1, 0.2, 0.0}, {0.3, 0.4, 1.0}, {0.5, 0.6, 0.0}, {0.7, 0.8, 1.0}}; whether it means, what first two units of input vectors will be used as independent variables, and the third - as dependent (class number)? Correct me if I am not right. And some more questions: 1. Whether it is possible to use your neural networks for clusterization or nonlinear lowering of dimension (a network with a narrow throat)? Such networks are trained on the inputs (training without the teacher), i.e. NIn = NOut. But I did not manage to create such network because in your algorithm there is a limitation: jmax = nin+nout-1 (in function mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessor) and if NIn = NOut creating an exception. Whether I can construct such network and how correctly to specify data format in such case? 2. Whether it is possible to save the trained network and then to restore it for a reuse? If it is impossible, I should save what parametres of a neural network (weight, neurons or something else) to use the trained network further? I thank for the answer. I think, answers to these questions will help not only me