Yes, densesolver will contain all new code for general/SPD linear solvers. As for symmetric indefinite solvers, situation is less clear.
ALGLIB has rudimentary support for symmetric indefinite systems (LDLT real solver), but I am unsatisfied with its performance, and I should say that it is really hard to optimize LDLT decomposition code (a lot of permutations, low rank updates - it is unsuited for almost all optimizations). It is possible, but just too hard. So I think that it is better to optimize LU-based solver and to use it for symmetric matrices. Maybe LDLT solver will be dropped in one of the following releases.
Returning to your question, I recommend to use densesolver unit for any kind of system you'll try to solve. General and indefinite systems may be solved with LU-based solver, SPD system - with Cholesky-based solver.