I tried to use the lbsgs optimization function. And the parameters in function1_grad might be changed in my project. My question is how can use the void* ptr to pass the parameters in the main function. A simple sample would be great. Thanks.
#include <stdafx.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <optimization.h>
using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // using LBFGS method. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlbfgsstate state; minlbfgsreport rep;
minlbfgscreate(1, x, state); minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); minlbfgsoptimize(state, function1_grad); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep);
printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }