I understand that the library probably is not computing the Hessian explicitly. However, it will be nice to know what kind of estimation it is using, for example if it is using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbery to estimate the Hessian.
3. in order to get steepest descent, you may use MinCG subpackage, and manually rewrite it a bit. Find lines below "// Choose BetaK" comment, and rewrite them by "betak = 0.0". It will force CG algorithm to behave like steepest descent.
In this case I opened the optimization.cpp I found these lines
if( state->cgtype==0 )
betak = state->betady;
if( state->cgtype==1 )
betak = ae_maxreal(0, ae_minreal(state->betady, state->betahs, _state), _state);
I added
if (state->cgtype == -1)
betak =0;
below this.
However when I run the code it gives me malloc errors
*** glibc detected *** "path": malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001b681a0 ***
Thanks a lot