I have a series of data expressed as a double array. I am using alglib to find the mean and standard deviation using this method:
alglib.samplemoments(array, out values[0], out values[1], out values[2], out values[3]);
Console.WriteLine("MEAN: " + values[0]);
alglib.sampleadev(array, out values[4]);
Console.WriteLine("Deviation: " + values[4]);
I just arrange them in an array of doubles called values[5] so I can retrieve them whenever I want.
What I want to do is to get rid of outliers.
I have this website:
http://www.wikihow.com/Reject-Outliers-in-Data that makes me understand half of the process.
Can someone help me understand step three. Is there any method in the alglib that can do this step for me?
Thanks in advance.