It maybe silly but I read over the example "rbf_d_ml_simple example" and found me not pro enough at statistics to realize the algorithm of RBF code T_T
I intended to write a method which could convert grid data into different intervals for GIS performance with RBF functions. But tested with ecmwf temperature grid data?value of which is between -20 to 40?I got values larger than 100...
Were the parameters set wrong especially 'lambda' of rbfsetalgomultilayer?
The function is written as below:
int interpolationmetod1()
// This example shows how to build models with RBF-ML algorithm. Below
// we assume that you already know basic concepts shown in the example
// on RBF-QNN algorithm.
// RBF-ML is a multilayer RBF algorithm, which fits a sequence of models
// with decreasing radii. Each model is fitted with fixed number of
// iterations of linear solver. First layers give only inexact approximation
// of the target function, because RBF problems with large radii are
// ill-conditioned. However, as we add more and more layers with smaller
// and smaller radii, we get better conditioned systems - and more precise models.
rbfmodel model;
rbfreport rep;
double v;
int lon=361,lat=281;
// We have 2-dimensional space and very simple interpolation problem - all
// points are distinct and located at straight line. We want to solve it
// with RBF-ML algorithm. This problem is very simple, and RBF-QNN will
// solve it too, but we want to evaluate RBF-ML and to start from the simple
// problem.
// X Y
// -2 1
// -1 0
// 0 1
// +1 -1
// +2 1
rbfcreate(2, 1, model);
real_2d_array xy0;
qDebug()<<"matrix done";
//read data of diamond4 type
QString str,filename="E:\\13042420.003";
QFile in(filename);
if (!
qDebug()<<filename<<" not exists";
return 0;
QTextStream file(&in);
QFile out("e:\\interpolation.txt");;
QTextStream ts(&out);
int steplon=0, steplat=0;
//ts<<"("<<steplat<<","<<steplon<<") "<<str<<"="<<xy0(steplat,steplon)<<" the same?"<<endl;
rbfsetpoints(model, xy0);
// First, we try to use R=5.0 with single layer (NLayers=1) and moderate amount
// of regularization.... but results are disappointing: Model(x=0,y=0)=-0.02,
// and we need 1.0 at (x,y)=(0,0). Why?
// Because first layer gives very smooth and imprecise approximation of the
// function. Average distance between points is 1.0, and R=5.0 is too large
// to give us flexible model. It can give smoothness, but can't give precision.
// So we need more layers with smaller radii.
//rbfsetalgomultilayer(model, 5.0, 1, 1.0e-3);
//rbfbuildmodel(model, rep);
//printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 1
//v = rbfcalc2(model, 0.0, 0.0);
//printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: -0.021690
// Now we know that single layer is not enough. We still want to start with
// R=5.0 because it has good smoothness properties, but we will add more layers,
// each with R[i+1]=R[i]/2. We think that 4 layers is enough, because last layer
// will have R = 5.0/2^3 = 5/8 ~ 0.63, which is smaller than the average distance
// between points. And it works!
rbfsetalgomultilayer(model, 5.0, 4, 1.0e-2);
rbfbuildmodel(model, rep);
printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 1
ts<<"now start interpolation"<<endl;
for(double stepy=0; stepy<lat;stepy+=0.2)
for(double stepx=0; stepx<lon;stepx+=0.2)
//ts<<xy0(stepy,stepx)<<" ";
v = rbfcalc2(model, stepy, stepx);
ts <<"("<<stepy<<","<<stepx<<") = "<< v<<" ";
ts <<endl;
//printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 1.000000
// BTW, if you look at v, you will see that it is equal to 0.9999999997, not to 1.
// This small error can be fixed by adding one more layer.
return 0;
Hope someone could help me, thanks.