New to alglib, having probs with undefined symbols
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Author:  gohweixun [ Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  New to alglib, having probs with undefined symbols

Hi, I'm new to alglib and having some issues compiling my code.

In my header file I have included the following:
#include "alglibinternal.h"
#include "alglibmisc.h"
#include "ap.h"
#include "linalg.h"
#include "solvers.h"

alglib::integer_2d_array c;

In the constructor in my .c file I have the following:
alglib::integer_2d_array c;
c = "[[1,2,3],[9,9,9]]";

I am getting the following error message:
Undefined symbols:
"alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array(char const*)", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array()", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"alglib::integer_2d_array::~integer_2d_array()", referenced from:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget*)in glwidget.o
"alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper::operator=(alglib::ae_matrix_wrapper const&)", referenced from:
alglib::integer_2d_array::operator=(alglib::integer_2d_array const&)in glwidget.o

I would greatly appreciate if someone might point out what's wrong. Thanks!

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New to alglib, having probs with undefined symbols

You should attach all .cpp files from alglib/src directory to your project. Including headers is not enough.

In particular, "alglib::integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array(char const*)" means that you are missing ap.cpp file.

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