How right to fill real_2d_array?
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Author:  AlekseyL [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  How right to fill real_2d_array?


I have 2d array with float data in it. How should I form "real_2d_array" array to use my data in alglib?
I've made something like that

ap::real_2d_array xy;
xy.setlength(iArrayWidth, iArrayHeight);

for ( int i = 0; i < iArrayHeight; i++ )
   for ( int j = 0; j < iArrayWidth; j++ )
      xy(i,j) = m_Array[i][j];

Is it right?

Best regards, Aleksey.

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How right to fill real_2d_array?

Yes, that is one of the ways. You can also use setcontent() call, if your data are stored in contiguous memory.

Author:  AlekseyL [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How right to fill real_2d_array?

Thanks for reply! ;)

If I will use setcontent how should I make my 2d array in memory to pass it in setcontect?

Best regards, Aleksey.

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How right to fill real_2d_array?

If I will use setcontent how should I make my 2d array in memory to pass it in setcontect?

You can pass pointer to its first element; just setcontent(&m_Array[0][0],.....) should be enough.

However, you should ensure that size of your 2D array is equal to that of ALGLIB array.

Author:  AlekseyL [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How right to fill real_2d_array?

Ok, it is clearly for me now! Thank you Sergey! ;)

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