Hi everybody,
I am not very good at C++, but I can program reasonably well in C. Now I try to use alglib in order to obtain a singular value decomposition of a square matrix, but when I try to define a matrix, I already get a strange error which I don't understand. I paste a reduced example below.
#include <iostream> #include "ap.h" #include "linalg.h"
using namespace std; using namespace alglib;
int main() { alglib::real_2d_array r2; //removing alglib:: does not improve the situation system("pause"); }
I receive the following error:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `alglib::real_2d_array::real_2d_array()' [Linker error] undefined reference to `alglib::real_2d_array::~real_2d_array()' [Linker error] undefined reference to `alglib::real_2d_array::~real_2d_array()' ld returned 1 exit status
I am using the old Bloodshed Dev-C++ system, and this error occurs no matter if I put the alglib source and header files into the source folder or the folder where the standard libraries are located.
I know that my problem is probably something silly like a missing declaration, but I would be very happy if someone could help me with it.