I am having great trouble getting results from the mincgresults() function. The code is as follows:
alglib::real_1d_array lambdaJout;
for (int i = 0; i < lenJ; i++) {
lambdaJout[i] = 0.0;
alglib::mincgcreatef(lambdaJguess, diffstep, cgstate);
alglib::mincgsetcond(cgstate, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
alglib::mincgsetscale(cgstate, lambdascale);
alglib:mincgoptimize(cgstate, CG_opt, NULL, ptr);
mincgresults(cgstate, lambdaJout, cgrep);
printf("cg rep termination = %i\n", int(cgrep.terminationtype));
FILE* lambdaoptout = fopen("lambdaopt.txt", "w");
for (int i = 0; i < lenJ; i++) {
fprintf(lambdaoptout, "%i %e\n", i, lambdaJout[i]);
It seems that no matter what I try to do with mincgresults, I cannot get anything but zeros in the print statement.
The code runs, and the cg rep termination result is 1, but lambdaJout never seems to change. I can post more of the code if needed, and would very much appreciate an help people can offer.