nubie question
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Author:  katto01 [ Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  nubie question

I downloaded the ALGLIB VBA pack.
the directory looks like this
11/02/2011 02:23 PM <DIR> .
11/02/2011 02:23 PM <DIR> ..
11/02/2011 02:23 PM 0 dir.txt
05/31/2010 09:59 PM <DIR> examples
11/02/2011 11:58 AM 951,639 manual.vb6.html
05/31/2010 09:59 PM <DIR> out
11/02/2011 11:58 AM <DIR> src
11/02/2011 11:58 AM <DIR> tests
05/31/2010 09:59 PM <DIR> _internal
05/31/2010 09:59 PM <DIR> _tmp
2 File(s) 951,639 bytes
8 Dir(s) 102,414,004,224 bytes free
this DOES NOT look to me likesomething I can run in EXCEL from the VBA editor.
Am I missing anything (there are no installation instructions)?
Other than copy the *.bas into a VBA module, do I need to do anything else? References?

Thanks you


Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: nubie question

Katto01 - I assume you are using the VBA version, which is ver 2.6

The code will run directly form Excel without any additional references, but there are a couple of things you need to do:
- Many of the functions call functions from other modules, which you will need for it to work. You can either install all the modules in single project, or find any example in the manual or on the Internet, or work by trial and error, to find just the modules you need.
- If you want to use a function as an Excel UDF you will need to write an interface function to convert the input data into the correct format, e.g. Excel range object into a 1D base 0 array of doubles.

My blog (address below) has quite a few examples; just search it for Alglib. Please ask if you have any specific questions.

Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: nubie question

This post is probably the best one to get started: ... excel-vba/

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