Compiling for a raspberry pi
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Author:  Egt [ Mon Mar 18, 2024 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Compiling for a raspberry pi

Hello alglib community,

First time poster, long time user!

From using alglib extensively with MSVC for quite some time I am simply in awe of its capabilities.

However, I have since been attempting to compile and use the minnlc package on a raspberry pi 5. It compiles just fine but my tests fail (identical tests pass when compiled with MSVC).

I noticed there are some raspbian packages ( but I'm unsure what their purpose is when alglib should be OS-agnostic, as it simply just Cpp code.

Are there any caveats with compiling alglib 4.00.01 for a raspberry pi 5?

Author:  Egt [ Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling for a raspberry pi

An update for those interested - all compiler optimizations must be disabled (what a complete pain!)

I suspect there may be some inaccuracies with floating point numbers.

@Sergey - do you have any have any recommendations on what compiler flags could be causing? Or any workarounds?

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