How can I apply integer programming to minns?
I have variables that are integers and not real numbers.
FILE *fostate = freopen("../logs/optimization/execution.log", "w", stdout);
FILE *festate = freopen("../logs/optimization/error.log", "w", stderr);
alglib::real_1d_array x = "[1, 1, 1]";
alglib::real_1d_array s = "[1, 1, 1]";
alglib::real_1d_array bndl = "[+0.1, 1, 0.1]";
alglib::real_1d_array bndu = "[18, 3, 5]";
alglib::ae_int_t maxits = 0;
double epsx = 0.001;
double diffstep = 0.01;
double radius = 0.1;
double rho = 0.0;
alglib::minnsstate state;
alglib::minnsreport rep;
alglib::minnscreatef(3, x, diffstep, state);
std::cout << "successfully created objective variables\n";
alglib::minnssetalgoags(state, radius, rho);
std::cout << "successfully sat goals\n";
minnssetbc(state, bndl, bndu);
std::cout << "successfully created cinstraints boudries\n";
alglib::minnssetcond(state, epsx, maxits);
std::cout << "successfully sat algorithm conditions\n";
alglib::minnssetscale(state, s);
std::cout << "successfully sat scale\n";
std::cout << "optimization is starting ..............\n";
std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------\n";
alglib::minnsoptimize(state, nnetwork);
alglib::minnsresults(state, x, rep);
std::cout << "solved the optimization problem\n";
catch (alglib::ap_error e)
std::cerr << "error msg: %s\n" << e.msg.c_str();
std::cout << "x = " << x.tostring(3) << std::endl;