tSNE support?
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Author:  avishmidman [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  tSNE support?

I am very much enjoying the speed and versatility of the Commercial Alglib library.
I'd love to see a function for tSNE. I see that there is an open item in Mantis for this (item 674), but I don't see any such function in the Alglib docs. Might you consider adding tSNE support please?

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: tSNE support?

Hi! I am glad that you liked the library :-)

I guess that you have a specific use for the t-SNE functionality, i.e. some problem that you want to solve right now. Would you like to describe your case: typical points count, "input" dimensions count, expected running time requirements?

Author:  avishmidman [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: tSNE support?

Hi, thanks for your response.
I am using t-SNE to visualize sets of contextualized word embeddings generated by BERT encoders. The datasets each contain approximately 100,000 vectors, of 768 dimensions each; I am using t-SNE to reduce the the datasets to 2 dimensions to enable visualization of the data, to see the clusters and outliers therein.
Regarding running time requirements: I'm hoping for a solution which can generate the t-SNE result for a given dataset within a minute or so, or at most within 5-10 minutes, given 30 parallel threads.

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