I have recently installed alglib and I am attempting to compile an example My system is Ubuntu 18.04 64bit I am using Qt Creator as my IDE for C++ C++17, gcc 7.4 the file I'm attempting to compile is shown below: However, the C++ compiler and IDE both flag the line 63 and others containing alglib::get_error_flag(); alglib::clear_error_flag();
where the IDE and compiler both say that clear_error_flag() is not in the namespace, e.g. "no member named 'get_error_flag" in namespace 'alglib' Strange because when I look at the namespace alglib defined by ap.h, the alglib namespace apparently contains get_error_flag() Any ideas? thanks, Phil
########################################### #include <sstream> #include <math.h> #include <ap.h> #include "linalg.h" #include "stdafx.h" #include "solvers.h" #include "alglibmisc.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "integration.h" #include "dataanalysis.h" #include "optimization.h" #include "alglibinternal.h" #include "diffequations.h" #include "interpolation.h" #include "alglibinternal.h" #include "fasttransforms.h" #include "specialfunctions.h"
//#if !defined(AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS) //#error "This test should be compiled with AE_NO_EXCEPTIONS defined" //#endif
using namespace alglib;
const char *fmt_str = "%-29s %s\n";
int main() { printf("Test exception-free error handling:\n"); #ifdef AE_USE_ALLOC_COUNTER printf("Allocation counter activated...\n"); alglib_impl::_use_alloc_counter = ae_true; if( alglib_impl::_alloc_counter!=0 ) { printf("FAILURE: alloc_counter is non-zero on start!\n"); return 1; } { { alglib::real_1d_array x; x.setlength(1); if( alglib_impl::_alloc_counter==0 ) printf(":::: WARNING: ALLOC_COUNTER IS INACTIVE!!! :::::\\n"); } if( alglib_impl::_alloc_counter!=0 ) { printf("FAILURE: alloc_counter does not decrease!\n"); return 1; } } #endif // // Test default state of the error flag // { bool passed = true; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); printf(fmt_str, "* default flag value", passed ? "OK" : "FAILED"); fflush(stdout); if( !passed ) return 1; } // // Test errors during array creation // { bool passed = true; alglib::clear_error_flag(); // constructors succeeded with working malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::real_1d_array r1; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // even with broken malloc() constructor succeeded() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; alglib::real_1d_array r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // but setlength() fails without malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); r2.setlength(5); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); // clear_error_flag() clears error flag alglib::clear_error_flag(); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // without clear_error_flag(), error flag is not reset by successful calls alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r2.setlength(5); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.length()==0; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; r2.setlength(6); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.length()==6; alglib::clear_error_flag(); r2.setlength(7); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.length()==7; // assignment to empty array requires malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; alglib::real_1d_array r3; r2.setlength(1); r2[0] = 123.25; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r3 = r2; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.length()==0; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; alglib::clear_error_flag(); r3 = r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.length()==1 && r3[0]==123.25; // assignment to non-empty array does NOT require malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r2[0] = 345; r3 = r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.length()==1 && r3[0]==345; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; printf(fmt_str, "* 1D arrays", passed ? "OK" : "FAILED"); fflush(stdout); if( !passed ) return 1; } { bool passed = true; alglib::clear_error_flag(); // constructors succeeded with working malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::real_2d_array r1; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // even with broken malloc() constructor succeeded() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; alglib::real_2d_array r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // but setlength() fails without malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); r2.setlength(5,6); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); // clear_error_flag() clears error flag alglib::clear_error_flag(); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // without clear_error_flag(), error flag is not reset by successful calls alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r2.setlength(5,6); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.rows()==0 && r2.cols()==0; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; r2.setlength(6,7); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.rows()==6 && r2.cols()==7; alglib::clear_error_flag(); r2.setlength(7,8); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r2.rows()==7 && r2.cols()==8; // assignment to empty array requires malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; alglib::real_2d_array r3; r2.setlength(1,1); r2[0][0] = 123.25; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r3 = r2; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.rows()==0 && r3.cols()==0; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; alglib::clear_error_flag(); r3 = r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.rows()==1 && r3.cols()==1 && r3[0][0]==123.25; // assignment to non-empty array does NOT require malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; r2[0][0] = 345; r3 = r2; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && r3.rows()==1 && r3.cols()==1 && r3[0][0]==345; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; printf(fmt_str, "* 2D arrays", passed ? "OK" : "FAILED"); fflush(stdout); if( !passed ) return 1; } // // Test ALGLIB objects // { bool passed = true; alglib::clear_error_flag(); // prepare data for tests alglib::real_1d_array x, y; x.setlength(2); x[0] = 0; x[1] = 1; y.setlength(2); y[0] = 2; y[1] = 3; // constructors succeeded with working malloc() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dinterpolant s1; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); // with broken malloc() constructor fails() alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; alglib::spline1dinterpolant s2; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; // construction with correct malloc() succeeds alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, 2, s1); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && fabs(alglib::spline1dcalc(s1,0.5)-2.5)<1.0E-12; // assignment with broken malloc() fails alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dinterpolant s3; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; s3 = s1; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); // assignment with broken object fails, but does not crash alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; alglib::spline1dinterpolant s3b; passed = passed && s3b.c_ptr()==NULL; s3b = s1; alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); // assignment with working malloc() succeeds alglib::clear_error_flag(); s3 = s1; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && fabs(alglib::spline1dcalc(s3,0.5)-2.5)<1.0E-12; // copy constructor with broken malloc fails alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = true; alglib::spline1dinterpolant s4(s1); alglib_impl::_force_malloc_failure = false; passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); // copy constructor with working malloc succeeds alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dinterpolant s5(s1); passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag() && fabs(alglib::spline1dcalc(s5,0.5)-2.5)<1.0E-12; printf(fmt_str, "* ALGLIB objects", passed ? "OK" : "FAILED"); fflush(stdout); if( !passed ) return 1; } // // Test ALGLIB functions // { bool passed = true; // alglib::clear_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dinterpolant s1; alglib::real_1d_array x, y; x.setlength(2); x[0] = 0; x[1] = 1; y.setlength(2); y[0] = 2; y[1] = alglib::fp_nan; passed = passed && !alglib::get_error_flag(); alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, 2, s1); passed = passed && alglib::get_error_flag(); printf(fmt_str, "* ALGLIB functions", passed ? "OK" : "FAILED"); fflush(stdout); if( !passed ) return 1; } // // Allocation counter // #ifdef AE_USE_ALLOC_COUNTER printf("Allocation counter checked... "); if( alglib_impl::_alloc_counter!=0 ) { printf("FAILURE: alloc_counter is non-zero on end!\n"); return 1; } else printf("OK\n"); #endif // // Return // return 0; } ########################################################