how to register AL_matrix.dll as excel addin?
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Author:  yugmorf [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  how to register AL_matrix.dll as excel addin?


I'm trying to call the AL_matrix.dll addin from excel VBA, using C++ code from AlgLib and, VBA interface code along with excel example sheet, from Doug of newtonexcelbach ( ... for-excel/).

The instructions work for win7 running 32bit excel, but now i'm trying to implement with 64bit excel (running windows server 2008R2) and having problems. I changed the 'declare' statements in the vba code to include 'ptrsafe' (and ‘long’ to ‘longlong’) as outlined here;, but not managing to get the alglib addin appear in excel (from tab developer/addins).

Is it that AL_matrix.dll won't work on 64bit excel, or is there some registration or something else i need to do? I saved the AL_matrix.dll file in c:\windows\system32\, which my googling suggests should be the correct place for it.

Thanks for any advice.


Author:  yugmorf [ Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to register AL_matrix.dll as excel addin?

Hi. Anyone have some suggestions about how to add C++ Alglib library to excel2010 (64bit)? I do the same process as when loading on excel2010 (32bit) but it doesn't appear. Probably i miss something obvious. Sorry my background isn't in IT and maybe i miss something obvious in terms of registration or directory placement for the file. Any pointers greatly appreciated.

Much thanks Sergei for making this wonderful library available.

Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to register AL_matrix.dll as excel addin?

Yug - I see you haven't got any response here yet, I guess there aren't too many people linking 64 bit Excel to C++ dlls! Since it's a fairly generic question maybe you might have more luck at a C++ forum.

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