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 Post subject: newbie willing to pay for help 'idwbuildmodifiedshepardr'
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:33 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:15 pm
Posts: 2
20 years ago i could write simple K&R 'c' programs. i cant, on my own, from scratch, figure out how to write a boilerplate ALGLIB c++ program.

I was hoping I could pay someone $100 USA to write a simple boilerplate ALGLIB program for me per these specs and turn over the c++ source code (and compiled binary) to me, so that I may then expand upon it.

I have an ascii text file that contains (x y z) data values (liken this to a digital elevation map). the x,y values are strictly NOT regularly spaced integer values - however they are very close to being regularly spaced values. there are approximately 12 million records in this text file. I can create this x y z data file to whatever specification the program writer needs, but at present it simply like this:

1 1 254
1.9 2.1 250

(with a space between each x y z value, and an (CR)(LF) as end of record (I am on a Windows system)

I would like someone to write an ALGLIB c++ program that can be called as:

it will be passed the fully qualified path to the data file containing the x y z values.

the program will read the data from the file and will use this to populate the 'idwbuildmodifiedshepardr' object.

basically we will be using the modified shepard method to create an exact interpolating surface through the data points.

i then need the program to allow me to 'query' this surface in a way, where if i specify a desired (x,y) point - the answer will be the approximated 'z' value at the given (x,y) point. ive read this requires the 'idwcalc' function.

i will also need some minimal help to learn what I will need to do to compile this program on my Windows pc.

I currently have the free borland 5 c++ compiler available.

if interested please email me for further discussion.

gaiken -at-

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