That's very strange - I've checked rmatrixqr() on your problem, and it
I was unable to completely reproduce your code, because there were external variables A/Q/R. So I've made a constant array from the matrix you've provided. My code looks as follows:
#include "ortfac.h"
#include "_data.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int myRow = 5849;
int myCol = 16;
int m = myRow;
int n = myCol;
int i, j;
ap::real_2d_array a;
ap::real_1d_array tau;
ap::real_2d_array q;
ap::real_2d_array r;
a.setcontent(0, myRow-1, 0, myCol-1, _data);
rmatrixqr(a, m, n, tau);
rmatrixqrunpackq(a, m, n, tau, m, q);
// testing: print several elements of q past the 16th column
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
for(j=16; j<20; j++)
printf("q(%ld,%ld) = %7.4lf\n", (long)i, (long)j, (double)q(i,j));
printf("q(%ld,%ld) = %7.4lf\n", (long)(myRow-1), (long)(myRow-1), (double)q(myRow-1,myRow-1));
return 0;
As long as I can see, it is essentially the same code that you've executed. But it works OK.
I'd be glad to investigate it further, if you can answer several questions:
1. Could you execute my code (see attachment) and tell me its output?
2. How did you decide that Q were not "fully" unpacked? Using debugger to examine
q (lower case)? Or through examining external variable
Q (upper case)?
3. What compiler/OS/optimization settings you used for your project?
4. Did you modify ALGLIB files, or you running unmodified library? What version?