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Author:  AlekseiSichev [ Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  beginner

I am new to ALGLIB
Tell me, can the library work with Delphi 7?
I try to run test_i.pas or test_x.pas (Project Manager/Add Existing Project) and I get a lot of errors

[Error] XALGLIB.pas(19): Invalid compiler directive: 'POINTERMATH'
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(37): 'END' expected but 'CLASS' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(37): '=' expected but identifier 'Implicit' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(37): ';' expected but ')' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(39): 'IMPLEMENTATION' expected but ';' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(93): Identifier expected but '(' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(93): Undeclared identifier: 'TVector'
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(94): ',' or ':' expected but '=' found
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(95): Undeclared identifier: 'TMatrix'
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(98): 'TMatrix' is not a type identifier
[Error] XALGLIB.pas(116): 'Tkdtreerequestbuffer' is not a type identifier
[Fatal Error] XALGLIB.pas(377): Compilation terminated; too many errors

Help me

Author:  admin [ Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: beginner

Delphi 7 is quite old, we do not guarantee anything here :(

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