Hi all,
I'm trying to develop a model using monte-carlo to generate a set of simulated data. These simulated data is then compared to the experimental data to extract the optimum parameters, which totals 9. This is what I have tried.
void function_cx_1_func(const alglib::real_1d_array &c, const alglib::real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)
// The arguments follow the format of the alglib's lsfit subpackage
// This function requires the func to return a double.
// c is a 1d array of parameters
// x is temperature, which is the only variable in this case
// ptr is NULL in by the package's default.
// cout << "iterred" << endl;
map <double,double> simulation_result;
if (
//(gmm != c[0]) ||
(Tm != c[0]) ||
(g31 != c[1]) ||
(g32 != c[2]) ||
(gg31 != c[3]) ||
(gg32 != c[4]) ||
(bn != c[5]) ||
(bu != c[6]) ||
(mn != c[7]) ||
(mu != c[8])
//gmm = c[0];
Tm = c[0];
g31 = c[1];
g32 = c[2];
gg31 = c[3];
gg32 = c[4];
bn = c[5];
bu = c[6];
mn = c[7];
mu = c[8];
Tjumpave = Tjump_ave();
double T = 5;
// for (mat::iterator entry = Tjumpave.begin(); entry != Tjumpave.end(); ++entry) {
// simulation_result[T] = *entry;
// T += 5;
// }
for (int i = 0; i != 9; ++i)
simulation_result[T] = Tjumpave(0,i);
T += 5;
func = simulation_result[x[0]];
vector<double> params_optim()
// Optimization using lsfit
// The params_optim function optimizes the values of the simulation parameters
// The parameters are: Tm, g31, g32, gg31, gg32, bn, bu, mn, mu (9)
vector<double> par = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
alglib::real_2d_array T = "[[5],[10],[15],[20],[25],[30],[35],[40],[45],[50],[55],[60],[65],[70],[75],[80],[85],[90],[95]]"; // Temperatures in experiments (independent var)
alglib::real_1d_array exp = "[346.301,346.312,346.432,346.394,346.471,346.605,346.797,346.948,347.121,347.384,347.626,348.08,348.561,349.333,350.404,351.761,352.975,354.17,354.809]"; // Exp data
alglib::real_1d_array params = "[80,550,400,0,0,347,354,0.013,0.012]"; // in the order given above
alglib::real_1d_array bndl = "[75,-INF,-INF,-INF,-INF,345,350,0.005,0.005]"; // lower bounds of params
alglib::real_1d_array bndu = "[83,+INF,+INF,+INF,+INF,349,360,0.030,0.030]"; // upper bounds of params
// Define the stopping criteria
double epsf = 0.0; // stops when the parameter value of the next iter is less than epsf away from the previous's
double epsx = 0.000001; // stops when the scaled step vector (scaled by LSfitsetscale) is <= epsx
alglib::real_1d_array s = "[1e+1,1e+2,1e+2,1e+2,1e+2,1e+2,1e+2,1e-2,1e-2]"; // set the scales (orders of magnitude) of the parameter
alglib::ae_int_t info; // to store how the "more_information code number"
alglib::ae_int_t maxits = 100; // set the number of iteration to perform
alglib::lsfitstate state; // store the "state"
alglib::lsfitreport rep; // store the report
double diffstep = 5; // step to take for each param: too high, miss points. too low, higher accuracy but more round-off error
alglib::lsfitsetscale(state, s);
alglib::ae_int_t n = 19; // number of points
alglib::ae_int_t m = 1; // number of dimension (only temperature)
alglib::ae_int_t k = 9; // number of parameters to fit (10)
alglib::lsfitcreatef(T, exp, params, n,m,k, diffstep, state); // create a fitting instance
alglib::lsfitsetbc(state, bndl, bndu);
alglib::lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); // before fitting, set a stopping point
alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func); // fit
alglib::lsfitresults(state, info, params, rep);
par = { params[0],params[1],params[2],params[3],params[4],params[5],params[6],params[7],params[8] };
catch (const alglib::ap_error &e)
printf("error msg: %s\n", e.msg.c_str());
return par;
More information about the monte-carlo. This function is defined within the Tjumpave() and returns an Armadillo matrix of simulated data for every set of parameters. Then because func requires double, I mapped each simulated data point to my independent var (temperature) and set func = data at that temperature.
Overall, the code didn't fail to run, but the results is just the same as the initial solutions. And I know the initial solution is ball park but not exactly the same as the initial value, so I'm not sure if I had the alglib function correct. Please help me in the right direction.