Hi everyone,
I'm working with a simulator in C++ using ALGLIB,
when I compile the code I don't have any errors, but when i run it i got a loop doing de ode_function_1_diff.
That's the function that calls "odesolversolve" every time it does an iteration, but my loop is infinite!
I don't know exactly what it's wrong...
here is this part of the code:
std::cout << "***** Iniciando" << std::endl;
const alglib::real_1d_array x("[0,0, 366.6667,366.6667, 5.7511,0.0294,0.0047,0.2991,56.5688, 23.5554]");
const alglib::real_1d_array t("[5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100]");
double eps = 0.00001;
double h = 0;
alglib::odesolverstate s;
int m;
alglib::odesolverreport rep;
alglib::odesolverrkck(x, t, eps, h, s);
alglib::odesolversolve(s, ode_function_1_diff);
alglib::odesolverresults(s, m, ttbl, xtbl, rep);
I know we can use also a *ptr in odesolversolve, but I think it's not necessary to do it, isn't it?