Using DecisionForest in c#
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Author:  breakid [ Tue May 31, 2011 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Using DecisionForest in c#

I am a student in Bar Ilan University ,and new into ALGLIB .
I am trying to create a DecisionForest using ALGLIB C#.
My input is excel file with the following values ( Extension , Department , Sex , Country_of_Birth , Birth_Date , Pishco , Cumulative_Average , Cerdit_Sign , Credit_Overoll , Ptor , School_Year , Total_Years , Residence , Population_number , region , status )
number of rows in the excel file is :1000
The data was divided to 700 records for training and 300 records for testing.
the training set was allocated into 2D double array
The "status" is the value to be predicted
I have two questions: can I specify the "status" field as the value I would like to predict ?
2.What is the value that I need to insert into NPoints field ?

Michael Bini

Author:  breakid [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using DecisionForest in c#

Can any-one help please ,
my final project is depend on RF and I cant figure out what am I doing wrong.


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