Thanking topic.
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Author:  Dmitriy_M [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Thanking topic.

Two weeks ago I was attracted for solving a math problem: to approximate with a non linear method of Least squares some data generated by physical experiment from Nonlinear Optic. I was suggested using Mathcad for it.

I did not know, what the approximation and Least squares are. By searching in Google, I have looked at the site of alglib. First of all, I was interested with information about approximation.

I found, that alglib works with Python. I did not know, how to use Python. But I heard, that Python is a very easy to learn and powerful language. So, I downloaded alglib and began to study Python.

In three hours I had a working console program, that made a regression. It was just an introduction to alglib.

In one day I had a program, that made an approximation with a non linear method of Least squares, but
Beginer_parameters I need to find with Mathcad and input in my program.

In three days from the begining I had a complete console program. It found Beginer_parameters without user, if the function-approximater was a one of defined functions in my program.

In four days from the begining I had a program with a graphical interface. I did not know, what wxWidget was, but it was enough one day to bring for a console program a modern interface. Matplotlib's power I added by an one hour.

In the fifth day I made a documentation for a program in HTML, using Docbook system. It was a first my work with Docbook.

In the sixth day I made a presentation in PDF format, using Lyx and beamer. I did not know anything about them and have find the information suddenly.

I worked in Ubuntu Linux operating system and often tested my program in Windows 2000 through VirtualBox. So, my program works well in both operating systems. And I have solved my main problem - approximation! My program is under GPLv3 license.

Thanks a lot.

File comment: Graphic generated by a program through Matplotlib.
img - notlinappr_and_lin5-2.png
img - notlinappr_and_lin5-2.png [ 39.89 KiB | Viewed 4573 times ]
File comment: Main window of program.
img - winface.jpeg
img - winface.jpeg [ 143.34 KiB | Viewed 4576 times ]

Author:  Dmitriy_M [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanking topic.

Oh my god! SUDDENLY, I found a program, that do the same deal, but much more powerful: Fityk.

Fityk and my program have some common features: GPLv3, wxWidgets, predefined functions, user must to modify the code if he wants to add his own function, the answer is - analytic functions with calculated by fitting parameters. Funny.

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