alglib.lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(...) problem (I think)
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Author:  GORDONPAGAN [ Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  alglib.lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(...) problem (I think)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would be most grateful if someone could help me with the alglib.lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(...) function as implemented in version 3.3.0 of Alglib. I am trying to use this with the C# wrapper and get a problem where there always seems to be an error with the syntax. Using the Object Browser I can check the arguments and am sure they are correct but in Visual Studio 10 it always gives me an 'invalid arguments' error. The documentation on your site refers to different arguments where the 'out' qualifier is used which is different from the Object Browser assessment of the arguments. Perhaps I am mistaken in the way I am implementing this but if someone can enlighten me I would be very grateful.

By the way, I have used this software in all sorts of mathematical situations and I find Alglib a most invaluable tool. After 42 years of programming, I can't think of a better tool for research and development in the area of mathematical modelling. Well done Bochkanov Sergey Anatolyevich and colleagues!

Best wishes
Gordon Pagan

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: alglib.lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized(...) problem (I think)


It seems that you access internal ALGLIB classes instead of interface ones. For example, there is function called alglib.lsfit.spline1dfitpenalized - it is internal function which should not be called by user. There is also its external counterpart - alglib.spline1dfitpenalized (see - lsfit is omitted), which you should call. I hope it helped you.

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