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Author:  ChemE [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  odesolver

Can U please tell me how to run odesolver in VBA from Excel?


Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver

The basics are in the code below; I'll post more details and some examples on my blog in the next few days:

' Dimension an array for the results
ReDim YA2(0 To M - 1, 0 To N - 1)

' Set up the "State" object to transfer data between the AlgLib code and your code to evealuate the differential equations
' See AlgLib code comments or manual for more details
Call ODESolverRKCK(YA(), N, XA2, M, Eps, Step, State)

' Loop through ODESolver and evaluation of DE until all steps have converged
Rtn = True
Do While Rtn = True
Rtn = ODESolverIteration(State)
' Either hard code evaluation of the Diff Equn(s) or call a VBA function with the name specefied in FuncName as shown below
State.DY = Application.Run(FuncName, State.X, State.Y, CoeffA)

' Extract the results array from the State function
Call ODESolverResults(State, M, XA2, YA2, Rep)

A typical simple function to evaluate the Dif Equn is shown below:

Function ODEFunc1(X As Double, Y As Variant, CoeffA As Variant) As Variant
Dim ResA(0 To 0) As Double
ResA(0) = CoeffA(1, 1) * Y(0)
ODEFunc1 = ResA
End Function

To call that function insert the line:
FuncName = "ODEFunc1"

Note that Y, CoeffA and the function return value are dimensioned as variants because they may contain 1 or more values.

Author:  ChemE [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver


By the way, nice blog.

Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver

I have now posted details of running the AlgLib ODE solver routine via an Excel UDF here: ... ith-excel/

The post includes a link to a download file, including all the necessary code and the five examples shown.

Author:  marcof [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver


Great code!

Can I solve systems of differential equations with this code?

I have a system with 9 differential equations that I solve usually with matlab (ode45), but I would love to solve it with an excel base software.

Is it possible?

Best regards


Author:  Doug Jenkins [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver

Marco - I imagine that it is possible, but I'd have to look into it and I don't have time at the moment.

Maybe Sergey can give some guidance!

Author:  Sergey.Bochkanov [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver

marcof wrote:
Can I solve systems of differential equations with this code?
I have a system with 9 differential equations that I solve usually with matlab (ode45), but I would love to solve it with an excel base software.

If you talk about something like

dy0/dx = f0(y0, ..., y8, x)
dy1/dx = f1(y0, ..., y8, x)
dy8/dx = f8(y0, ..., y8, x)

then - yes, you can do it. ODESolverState structure has Y and DY fields which are vectors. You can read y0..y8 and x from State.Y[0:8] and State.X and write f0...f8 to State.DY[0:8] every time you return from ODESolverIteration function.

Author:  marcof [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: odesolver


Many thanks for your code. I will use it for sure in the near future!!


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