getting started with the library. K-means clustering C#
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Author:  rxm113 [ Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  getting started with the library. K-means clustering C#


Just started looking at this library as I am in need of a K-means clustering algorithm.

I understand the algorithm i'm not sure on how to use the libarary for it.
I have copied the code from the example to get a grasp on how it works, my question is where is the return stored form the clustering? Should it return an [[,]] containing the vectors within the 2 classifications? (from this code below). I'm using C# by the way.

Many thanks in advance.

alglib.clusterizerstate s;
alglib.kmeansreport rep;
double[,] xy = new double[,] { { 1, 1, 4 }, { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 1, 6 }, { 2, 3, 8 }, { 4, 1.5, 3 }};
alglib.clusterizercreate(out s);
alglib.clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2);
alglib.clusterizersetkmeanslimits(s, 4, 0);
alglib.clusterizerrunkmeans(s, 2, out rep);

now I would like to get at the clusters, just print them out to begin.

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