ALGLIB: need to help to use Hirarchical Clustering
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Author:  fatemea2000 [ Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  ALGLIB: need to help to use Hirarchical Clustering

I want to use Agglomerative hierarchical clustering that implemented in ALGLIB. In the main code of Example, the input of this function is a short string.But My dataset is large and is saved to a file, How can I use this data file as input of Agglomerative hierarchical clustering?

Example of Agglomerative hierarchical clustering that you see in website:
"real_2d_array xy = "[[1,1],[1,2],[4,1],[2,3],[4,1.5]]";
clusterizersetpoints(s, xy, 2);
clusterizerrunahc(s, rep);"

Author:  sabakanwal [ Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ALGLIB: need to help to use Hirarchical Clustering

I saw from ALGLIB user guide that there is a function SMatrixLDLT doing LDLT decomposition

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