RBF interpolation of Spherical Coord points
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Author:  toejama1 [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  RBF interpolation of Spherical Coord points

Can you use the radial basis functions in ALGlib to interpolate spherical coordinates on the unit sphere

I have a bunch of theta, phi coordinates with a density value.

If I sample a new data point, not captured in the data but on the sphere, can I use the RBF2d or 3d to give me what the interpolated density value should be?

Author:  godmodder [ Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RBF interpolation of Spherical Coord points

Yes you can do this. The sphere is just another 2D parameter space.
Just input the samples as regular 2D coordinates into ALGLIB with 0 < elevation < PI/2 and 0 < inclination < PI.

An alternative approach is just to stick in the flat 2D cartesian space and parameterize it (

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