Hello, Sergey.
Some time ago you advised me to use penalized regression splines
http://forum.alglib.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=73It was not implemented at that time but now it has been .
I'm trying to buld a spline using spline1dfitpenalized() and getting "not enought flexible" spline even with very small Rho value. (m = n*3 as you advised).
Generally origin points are quite "spased" but there are "ranges" where they are close.
And there are no cases when the are making smth like a "cloud".
Is there any way to make this spline more flexible?
If it metters I'm trying to build a "2D spline". I have 2D points, make two series of points (L, X) and (L, Y) where L is polyline length from start of 2D points series. Then I build to splines using spline1dfitpenalized() routine.
Any way, thank you and sorry for horrible English in your forum.