Thank you for your quick reply.
I confirmed that VBA does not support function pointer (and it is really a shame...). I have tried to do it in VBA through VB net deleguate function and the "addressof" function is not accepted by VBA.
However I found one way to interface ALGLIB LBFGS solver from C to VBA. I have presented below the C and VBA codes to interface ALGLIB through COM interface :
C sharp code (to paste into a Visual Studio Class module) using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class AlglibException : System.ApplicationException { public AlglibException(string message) : base(message) { } }
[Guid("6DB79AF2-F441-44AC-8412-22B06BFDD9E4")] public interface INTERFACE_MINLBFGS { double[] GetX(); void SetF(double F_); void SetG(ref double[] G_); void minlbfgscreate(int m, ref double[] x); void minlbfgssetcond(double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits); bool minlbfgsiteration(); void minlbfgsresults(ref double[] x); }
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None), Guid("6DB79AF2-F441-63AC-8412-22B06BFDD9E4")] public class MINLBFGS_C : INTERFACE_MINLBFGS { public alglib.minlbfgsstate csobj; public alglib.minlbfgsreport rep; public double[] GetX() { return csobj.innerobj.x; }
public void SetF(double F_) { csobj.innerobj.f = F_; }
public void SetG(ref double[] G_) { csobj.innerobj.g = G_; }
public void minlbfgscreate(int m, ref double[] x) { try { alglib.minlbfgscreate(m, x, out csobj); } catch (alglib.alglibexception _E_Alglib) { throw new AlglibException(_E_Alglib.msg); } }
public void minlbfgssetcond(double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits) { try { alglib.minlbfgssetcond(csobj, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); } catch (alglib.alglibexception _E_Alglib) { throw new AlglibException(_E_Alglib.msg); } }
public bool minlbfgsiteration() { bool functionReturnValue = false; try { functionReturnValue = alglib.minlbfgsiteration(csobj); } catch (alglib.alglibexception _E_Alglib) { throw new AlglibException(_E_Alglib.msg); } return functionReturnValue; }
public void minlbfgsresults(ref double[] x) { try { alglib.minlbfgsresults(csobj, out x, out rep); } catch (alglib.alglibexception _E_Alglib) { throw new AlglibException(_E_Alglib.msg); } }
[u]C VBA code (to paste into a VBA module) Public Sub TestLBFGS() Dim ALGLIB As MINLBFGS_C Dim N As Integer Dim X() As Double Dim epsf As Double Dim epsx As Double Dim epsg As Double Dim maxits As Long
N = 1 ReDim X(0 To N) As Double epsf = 0.00001 epsx = 0.00001 epsg = 0.00001 maxits = 100000
X(0) = 1 X(1) = 1
Set ALGLIB = New MINLBFGS_C ALGLIB.minlbfgscreate 1, X ALGLIB.minlbfgssetcond epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits Do While ALGLIB.minlbfgsiteration() ALGLIB.SetF Func1(ALGLIB.GetX) ALGLIB.SetG Grad1(ALGLIB.GetX) Loop ALGLIB.minlbfgsresults X Debug.Print X(0), X(1) 'result -3.00668489998603 3.00013617674979 End Sub
Public Function Func1(X() As Double) As Double Func1 = 100 * (X(0) + 3) ^ 4 + (X(1) - 3) ^ 4 End Function
Public Function Grad1(X() As Double) As Double() Dim res(0 To 1) As Double res(0) = 400 * (X(0) + 3) ^ 3 res(1) = 4 * (X(1) - 3) ^ 3 Grad1 = res End Function
To make the COM interface working, the following steps are necessary : => in Visual Studio : 1. create a Class library in Visual C 2. copy C sharp code above into a new class module 3. add a reference to "alglibnet2.dll" 4. select in project properties : application -> assembly information -> make assembly COM-visible 5. select in project properties interface : build -> register for COM interop 6. press F6 to build "dll" and "tlb" files (used to interface with VBA excel)
=> in VBA excel: 1. create a new spreadsheet. 2. in the VBA code add a reference to MINLBFGS_C (select tools -> reference -> and files build in 6.) 3. copy VBA code above into a new VBA module 4. start VBA macro "TestLBFGS" to see the LBFGS result in immediate window. LBFGS solver is running on the VBA UDF functions : "Func1", and gradiant "Grad1"
Sergey, I think it would be very usefull if you could please create an ALGLIB interface for VBA : to my knowledge, the excel addin solver cannot run directly on UDF function within VBA. It is only possible to call the excel solver within the spreadsheet interface...and the performances on UDF are really bad (as we need to pass through the spreadsheet interface).
Thank you again for your help. Antoine