I'm quite new to this and so I'm currently struggeling a little bit with using "minlmcreatevj".
I want to fit a circle to a number of points. P(x,y)
I want to minimize the function: SUM[ ((xi-a)^2 + (yi-b)^2 - r^2)^2 ]
The documentation says, that i have to split it in single function f[0]^2+f[1]^2+f[2]^2
I'm not sure if I did this right so here are my functions:
public static void function1_fvec(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
// m_x = x-coordinate of center
// m_y = y-coordinate of center
// r = radius of circle
// x = x-coordinate of point
// y = y-coordinate of point
fi[0] = Math.Pow(x - m_x, 2);
fi[1] = Math.Pow(y - m_y, 2);
fi[2] = -Math.Pow(r, 2);
public static void function1_jac(double[] x, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object obj)
// m_x = x-coordinate of center
// m_y = y-coordinate of center
// r = radius of circle
// x = x-coordinate of point
// y = y-coordinate of point
fi[0] = Math.Pow(x - m_x, 2);
fi[1] = Math.Pow(y - m_y, 2);
fi[2] = -Math.Pow(r, 2);
jac[0, 0] = -2 * (x - m_x);
jac[0, 1] = 0;
jac[0, 2] = 0;
jac[1, 0] = 0;
jac[1, 1] = -2 * (y - m_y);
jac[1, 2] = 0;
jac[2, 0] = 0;
jac[2, 1] = 0;
jac[2, 2] = -2 * r
But I don't understand, where I can input my points. Otherwise he wouldn't know to what points he should fit the circle.
I'm using C#.
I'm a little bit confused and I hope, that you could help me with my problem how this library actually works.
Best regards