You might be interested in this scale free evolution strategy algorithm I devised:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
// Sean O'Connor 23 January 2014. Hoang Hoa Tham, Ba Dinh, Hanoi.
// Return the position of the highest set bit.
uint32_t topBit(uint32_t x){
return ilogbf(x);
// Fill back all bits from the highest set bit.
uint32_t fillBack(uint32_t x){
x |= x>>1;
x |= x>>2;
x |= x>>4;
x |= x>>8;
x |= x>>16;
return x;
// Xorshift128 RNG + inject randomization to allow seeding.
uint32_t rnd32(uint32_t inject){
static uint32_t x = 123456789;
static uint32_t y = 362436069;
static uint32_t z = 521288629;
static uint32_t w = 88675123;
uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11);
x = y; y = z; z = w;
w ^= (w >> 19) ^ t ^ (t >> 8);
return w;
// A random number from the inclusive interval.
uint32_t rndInterval(uint32_t start,uint32_t end){
uint32_t r=end-start;
uint32_t m=fillBack(r);
uint32_t x;
return x+start;
// Mutates the parent value with random number whose value
// is ranged on one of a number of equally likely scales.
// the parent value should be between -1 and 1 inclusive.
float midas(float pv,uint32_t baseExp,uint32_t topExp){
float m=0,cv;
uint32_t x=rnd32(0)&0x807fffff; // rnd mutation and mask out the exponent of the future 32 bit floating point number
uint32_t y=rndInterval(baseExp,topExp); // decide on a characteristic scale for the mutation
if(y>127) y=127; // limit the mutation exponent to 127 (fp values -2 to 2)
*(uint32_t*)&m=x+(y<<23); // construct the fp number from its sign,mantissa and exponent
if(cv<-1 || cv>1) cv=pv; // if the mutated value is out of bounds then there is no mutation
return cv;
// Canterlot (Scale Free) Evolution Strategy.
// Provides scale free mutations for doing numerical optimizations etc. The values in the parent
// vector should be between -1 and 1 inclusive.
// The precision value is between 0 and 127. 127 being maximum precison (slower but more perfect).
// The over the top (ott) parameter provides the ability to produce really high magnitude mutations if needed.
void canterlot(float *parent,float *child,uint32_t n,uint32_t precision,uint32_t ott){
uint32_t maxshift,shift,idx,rExp,baseExp,topExp;
baseExp=127-precision; // the lowest exponent value to be used in the mutation f.p. number.
topExp=rndInterval(baseExp,127+ott); // virtual highest exponent value to be used in f.p. mutation vector (will be clipped to 127)
maxshift=topBit(n); // number of divisions of population size (1,2,3 to 4,5 to 8,9 to 16,...,25% to 50%,50% to 100%) possible.
shift=rndInterval(0,maxshift); // select a division uniformly at random (a single mutation is as likely to occur as say 9 to 16 mutations).
rExp=rnd32(0) | 0x80000000; // msb set+31 random bits
rExp >>=shift; // shift rExp right 0 or 1 places.
for(uint32_t i=0;i<n;i++){
if(rnd32(0)<=rExp){ // 25 To 50 or 50 to 100% of the time.
child[i]=midas(parent[i],baseExp,topExp); // child gets mutated value.
child[i]=parent[i]; // child gets unmutated value.
idx=rndInterval(0,n-1); // shoe in at least 1 topExp scale mutation.
for(uint32_t i=0;i<n;i++){
child[i]=parent[i]; // first copy across parent vector to child vector.
child[idx]=midas(parent[idx],topExp,topExp); // do at least 1 topExp scale mutation.
rExp >>=34-shift; // do a shift of rExp to see how many further mutations to make, (1,2 to 3, 4 to 7).
for(uint32_t i=0;i<rExp;i++){
idx=rndInterval(0,n-1); // select one index at random.
}while(parent[idx]!=child[idx]); // if definitely already mutated then try a different index.
child[idx]=midas(parent[idx],baseExp,topExp); // do the mutation.
// replace with a good test function
float cost(float *vec,uint32_t n){
float r=0;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<n;i++){
return r;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
float parentCost,childCost=0,parent[20],child[20];
for(uint32_t j=0;j<20;j++) parent[j]=1;
rnd32(442523); // seed random number generator
for(uint32_t i=0;i<20000;i++){
for(uint32_t j=0;j<20;j++) parent[j]=child[j];
for(uint32_t i=0;i<20;i++) printf("%f\n",parent[i]);
return 0;